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23 Aug 2015


Hi People,


Apologies for not having this site updated in a while.


I've added in a link for our airship plans in the menu bar above. Please adhere to the plans when sending out the airships.


** Anyone who is interested to help run and upgrade the airships too please let me know.

**** Anyone who needs materials obtained from airship voyages please also let me know so that we can plan the routes to get them for you.


I've also updated our Donation Standings. Stay tuned once we hit 90M we'll be giving out dividends. Details soon.


Chione out :)

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6 June 2015


Hi people,


It's me again! Congratulations to us and pats on all our backs for attaining that airship goal we've set out a month ago. I'll explain more about what we're going to do with that sum of money.


The concept of the airship is expected to be similar to gardening in 2.2. The FC can send it out for ventures to obtain rare materials and resources for other aspects of the game.


These are expected to be high in demand in the early days come Heavensward aka 3.0. We will be building ourselves airship(s) to get these materials early and sell them for profit (be it through Market Board or to our own members).


Firstly, of course we will need to build the airship. For that to happen we will still need experienced crafters and gatherers to obtain or craft the materials required to build us an airship. For materials that we are unable to obtain on our own, we will use our airship funds to buy them.


This is also the phase where people can contribute through non-monetary means. These helpers won't be forgotten and will be duly rewarded when the FC recovers its cost and starts earning a profit.


Secondly, through the sale of loot from airship ventures, the FC will recoup the setup cost into our FC's funds. The FC would then be presented with a choice:

(A) to build more airships (we are allowed up to 4 per FC) or ;

(B) to payout to people who have donated and helped


For those who have not donated, I would appeal to you to think about this as a long term investment, that the FC will one day give back to you the gil you put in now. Allow us to give something back to you for your time here with TRE.


I'll be setting a secondary goal of 90 Million for now until Heavensward. This is to allow people who have not donated to come in as well. It is not perogative to hit this 90 Million so do it at your own pace people.


Looking forward to an enjoyable Heavensward with you peeps <3


Chione out :)

26 April 2015


Hi people,


We have our own website now! Yay!

We'll be starting the donation drive for our FC's first Airship come 3.0. I'll be publishing and updating the records based on the amounts deposited into the FC chest. Don't worry for those who have been donating, I've captured them as well.


The target we're looking at is 60 Million gil as our tier one target. It is the rough estimated amount that we anticipate an Airship will cost. If we manage to hit this target, depending on the time remaining to Heavensward, I'll put up a tier two target.

Please do explore all methods of earning gil, be it spiritbonding, crafting, gathering. If you are planning to sell carries, please make sure that your carry team is capable of doing efficiently the said instance that you are selling first before putting up party finders.


Let's do our best and make our TRE Airship happen when Heavensward arrive!


Chione out :)

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